One Year Later

Today, February 12th in the year of our Lord, 2025, marks one year since I returned to Living Faith Christian Fellowship to provide to them as I had promised, the evidences I needed to prove that Christianity was the true religion, as opposed to Judaism.

It is no wonder now, after having discovered the truth of Christianity and the Catholic Faith, how the logical fallacies I had been taught led me to Judaism, and how their unorthodox beliefs regarding the Blessed Trinity caused me to look for Old Testament proofs regarding the doctrine of the Trinity, which led me to Judaism.

The heretical doctrine of sola scriptura, coupled with the false teaching that 'everything can be proven from the word of God, the Old Testament: the Tanach' logically led me down a dark path of questioning the New Testament itself. The keystone concept, so to speak, that I kept returning to was "if the Trinity can be proven from the Old Testament, Christianity is true".

So on this day, one year ago, I had a meeting with their ministers, with a stack of papers to conclusively prove with evidence (at least, the evidence that I needed) that the mystery of the Trinity could be demonstrated in the Old Testament Scriptures and Christianity was in fact true.

Many wondered (and possibly still do) as to why I would have a meeting with them when they already believed in Christianity and the Trinity. My meeting, in fact, was me keeping my commitment that I had made when I left, that if I was able to prove Christianity true, I would be back to show everyone how, logically.

The 3+ hour meeting was recorded on audio and I have somewhere the documents I brought along for the meeting; I should post this sometime, as it may help someone else in a crisis moment.

The 3 months we spent researching every angle, unsure of which way was right, eventually came to an end near the beginning of that January, after we discovered the hypocrisy of the Rabbinic Jews (pretending like they believed sola scriptura when in fact, they did not) and us finding the evidences to support the Trinity in the Old Testament. Thanks be to God for leading us out of darkness into His marvelous Light; conclusively showing to us that Judaism is a false religion and the Roman Catholic Church is the Church which Jesus Christ established!