
There is this underlying belief of most Protestant sects that I believe they truly fail to recognize; but it is this heretical Christological belief which has spawned from a simple English synonym “word”. They have literally taken the word “Word” from St. John’s Gospel and changed the meaning in their Protestant brain to mean “Bible”. For example, they take the verse from Hebrews 4 which says “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword” and say this is talking about “The Bible”! By doing this, there is a subtle shift taking place, and they begin equating “The Bible”, ”The Word of God” with “Jesus Christ“.

I was not the first one to invent this new term, as there was another anon on X who purposed this term first.

This is actually an epidemic issue, as there are numerous individuals and groups who are claiming such things as “Jesus is THE BIBLE”, “The BIBLE IS GOD” and “You need to let the original document be the LORD of your life!” types of nonsense. This idea probably originated from elevating “sola scriptura”, as they believe it’s the only thing necessary for “faith & practice“.

Here’s an example of an argument with one of my relatives who is arguing that “The Word” (meaning Scripture) existed “in the beginning“:

In case you are still confused, here’s an AI generated definition of the heretical triphysitism, which basically in a nutshell gives the general understanding:

Triphysitism (trī-FIZ-i-tĭz-əm)

Triphysitism is a Christological doctrine affirming that Christ exists in three distinct yet inseparable natures: divine, human, and scriptural. Drawing from the Prologue of John’s Gospel (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” – John 1:1), Triphysitism extends the traditional understanding of Christ’s person to include not only His divinity and humanity but also His real and living presence in the Word of God as Scripture.

This third nature, the book nature, is not merely metaphorical but ontological, meaning that the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—is not just an inspired record of divine truth but participates in the very being of Christ. Just as Christ is the Incarnate Word, so too is Scripture the inscribed Word, alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). In this view, the written Word is not separate from Christ but an essential manifestation of His presence and work.

Triphysitism thus presents a high theology of Scripture, where the Bible is not just a witness to Christ but an intrinsic part of His nature, revealing and actualizing His presence throughout history. This perspective deepens the relationship between Christology and divine revelation, affirming that to encounter the Word of God in Scripture is, in a real way, to encounter Christ Himself.

This heresy, which elevates the Sacred Scriptures to the status of “God”, has many issues. For a simple one, it denies that Christ has only (2) natures: divine & human (in one person), which was officially declared at the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451. Another issue would be which translation is actually Christ? (this is where KJV-onlyists enter the room) A third issue is, by elevating the written text to the status of God, people begin to worship the pages, ink or theological constructs (doctrine) instead of God Himself.

While this theological belief may be postulated as an absurdity (to prove how far they believe the Bible), it nonetheless has worked itself into their convictions when they can tap their Bible and say “This is God!”.